Hyaluronic acid is a natural polysaccharide that has enormous use in pharmacology and medicine because of its biocompatibility and bioabsorbability; in aesthetic medicine it is used as a filling material or as a natural hydration of dermal tissues. Over time there have been numerous improvements in production technology due to the great interest and potential of this molecule starting from the purification phase, up to cross linking of dermal fillers.
The three-dimensional structure of Ithalya® fillers promises to have total homogeneity and high elasticity, since the monophasic gel remains cohesive in water, allowing it to maintain its shape over time and slowing down its degradation. The monophasic gel is obtained through the crosslinking of 100% hyaluronic acid, deriving a more compact product than biphasic gels which are more elastic and fluid.
The biphasic gel is normally presented in particles with a variable quantity of free (not cross-linked) or weakly stabilized hyaluronic acid to improve injectability. In this category the choice of a formulation is based on the size of the particles, therefore to increase the volumizing capacity it will be necessary to properly increase the particle diameter.
The monophasic gel is a completely homogeneous and totally cross-linked material. The choice between different formulations will depend on the degree of cohesion of a gel and its cross-linking; the cohesiveness of a gel is the rheological characteristic that indicates the adhesion between the cross-linked hyaluronic acid domains caused by weak non- covalent interactions and indicates the resistance to vertical compression due to internal adhesion forces: we can deduce that the monophasic filler has a higher cohesion than the biphasic one.
The performance, duration and safety of a filler depend on many other parameters, such as the ratio between high viscosity and molecular weight, the purity of the raw materials and an effective production process that eliminates potentially toxic protein residues for the body. Hyaluronic acid of Ithalya® fillers is of an ultra-purified pharmaceutical grade, 100% made in Italy as well as all production processes. They follow Know How exclusively conceived in Italy.
The ergonomic glass syringes of the Ithalya® range allow us two important advantages: a better stability and conservation of the gel; a better handling and corrective precision due to their small size.
In the last 25 years, the use of HYALURONIC ACID in injectable medical devices has increased exponentially, completely replacing collagen, its predecessor, decreeing its absolute success on all other biomaterials now in disuse; this is due both to the safety of the totally natural and organic molecule and to the total bio-absorbability of the material.
Furthermore, the technology of Cross Linking, which is important for the protection of HYALURONIC ACID from enzymatic attack, has progressed more and more, reaching the almost exclusive use of BDDE (Butanediol – Diglycidyl Ether) as a cross-linking agent, considered today the safest and most performing.
The innovative range of injectable medical devices MESORGANIC® MXB the perfect choice for any type of medical aesthetic corrections that can be carried out with dermal fillers, in fact the whole line has been conceived in a modern perspective following all the technological improvements achieved over time, inspired by nature composition and absorbability.
The Biopolymer obtained is a monophasic hydrogel of HYALURONIC ACID, which as an extremely high molecular weight, is 100% cross-linked and has no parts of free hyaluronic acid. Morevoer, this biopolymer has at the same time a high level of both plasticity and elasticity thanks to 2 amino acids very present in nature such as Proline and Glycine which, in addition to “softening” the product in the cross-linking phase, makes it more viscoelastic and mouldable. Furthermore, these 2 essential amino acids favor the revitalization of the tissues treated during filling, stimulating the Fibroblasts for the production of collagen and giving rise to skin restructuring by increasing its elasticity and hydration.
The Hyaluronic acid contained in MESORGANIC® MXB is derived from the fermentation of Streptococcus Equi, a non-pathogenic bacterium, therefore of synthetic and non-animal origin.
Furthermore, the Hyaluronic Acid already used in its raw form is of the highest quality and purity, and is produced in Italy in compliance with all regulatory standards aimed at protecting patients and safeguarding the environment, such as water purification, recycling of waste and energy saving.
Hyaluronic acid, after being purified and sterilized, is cross-linked using the cross-linking agent BDDE, which is considered by all to be the safest and best known for crosslinking; the hydrogel of MESORGANIC® MXB is a monophasic product, therefore completely cross-linked, but obtained from an industrial process of cross linking at low temperature and with a significantly longer duration than the normal times required:the low temperature allows us not to depolymerize the hyaluronic acid while the prolonged time allows us to better control the degree of crosslinking using a smaller quantity of BDDE.
In the last phase of cross linking, the amino acids “Proline” and “Glycine” are then added, which have an “elasticizing” as well as “viscosifying” function on the monophasic hydrogel, making it easy to use for any correction depending on the concentration of the various devices of the MESORGANIC® MXB range.
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